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Want to be Brave? Embrace the Fear!



This is the word I have chosen to be the hallmark of 2020 for me. Every year I choose a word to live into, a word to hold as the defining quality of the 12 months that lie ahead. This is a practice that I find inspiring and fun.

A few years back, I chose the word “GROWTH” as my theme -- imagining experiences of learning, business success and stretch. The universe, however, chose to have me grow a little differently. I was thrown a myriad of curve balls that year in every aspect of my life. Heath issues, family challenges, you name it, I faced it. I grew in ways I couldn’t have imagined possible! Although it wasn’t what I had envisioned, it was still growth.  The universe has an interesting sense of humour.

What I learned from that experience was to be somewhat cautious in my choice of words each year, to really sit with what any word might actually mean for me, before deciding if it was something I am prepared to take on. Which is why this year, when the word BRAVE kept appearing in my world and beckoning for me to claim it, I felt myself shy away.

Because here’s the thing: while being brave can be very admirable, the truth is one is only brave in the face of adversity, challenge, or fear. Did I -- do I -- really want to invite those qualities into my life?

As it turns out, I sort of do. Don’t get me wrong; if I can minimize the experience of challenge and adversity, I am all for it. I have no need or desire to sit in any more fear than is absolutely necessary. And yet, I do realize that I am being called to step up and step out in a bigger way than I have until this point. And that will require some bravery.

Bravery to speak truth.
Bravery to share my thoughts.
Bravery to risk discomfort.
Bravery to experience what I may not have experienced up until now.

My intention in choosing to be brave is to shake myself out of my comfort zone and into new possibilities. There is fear that arises even as I think about how that might look -- because I don’t actually have control over what the world throws my way.

What I am being forced to acknowledge is that bravery cannot -- does not -- exist without fear.  So if I truly want to build my bravery muscle, then I have to be willing to stand in a fear space, at least for a bit.

Bravery is something that can be used in all areas of life. Bravery isn’t something to bring out only in the face of physical danger, or emotional angst; and it’s not limited to the realm of heroes. Being brave is a valuable capacity available to all of us, one that can be used to move us forward to whatever it is we truly want for ourselves.

My guess is that there is some aspect of your own life that is calling you to stand bravely. Maybe it’s time for you to take the next step in a relationship. Maybe it’s time to have a difficult conversation with someone. Maybe, there’s a life transition that’s looming. Whatever the situation might be, it’s imperative that you face any fear that’s present, and name it for what it is. Because only then, can you truly find the strength and energy to be brave, and move forward.

Bottom-line: you cannot consider yourself to be brave if you keep avoiding fear. Fear is a necessary precursor to bravery. So, start embracing the fear. Face it square on, with help if you must. Let yourself be open to the possibility of being a brave soul. And notice how things shift.