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Presented with a New Opportunity? Here’s What You Need to Ask Before Saying ‘Yes’


New opportunities. They can arise out of nowhere. Sometimes they feel exciting, sometimes scary. Usually they bring about an element of curiosity. 

In the face of new opportunity, the one question that folks tend to gravitate toward is some version of “can I do this”? And, in fact, when someone is presenting a new opportunity to someone else, the question they present alongside it is “can you do this”? 

On the surface, these questions make sense. They seem like they would elicit appropriate responses. After all, if you cannot do something, if you are not capable, then no further questions need be asked, right? 

Here’s the thing: as human beings we are actually capable of a LOT. The answer to the question of whether or not we CAN do something is usually ‘yes’, no matter how tentative. And if we can say ‘yes’, we usually do, which then leads to us overextending ourselves, sometimes to the point of burnout. 

So, what other questions can you be asking instead? What other questions will elicit more meaningful answers? Over the years, I have found one question in particular that is oh-so-helpful in the face of new opportunity.  

How will this serve? 

This question invites you to evaluate what is being presented to you from a variety of angles. It is essentially looking at the potential BENEFIT that’s being presented. Perhaps the new opportunity will lead to growth, or promotion; maybe it’s a chance to ignite a new passion. Or maybe you won’t feel like there’s any way in which the opportunity will serve, in which case, you can let it slide. 

Another question to ask is this: if I say yes to this opportunity, what will be the impact? 

Looking at the potential impact allows you to consider the first question, but from a broader lens. How will folks around you be affected? How will your life change?  

Understand, asking these questions doesn’t preclude you from asking whether or not you CAN take on whatever opportunity is presented. It’s just that the questions of service and impact tend to provide a more complete picture, giving you more information from which to make a meaningful decision.

Bottom-line: you CAN do so much. The fact that you can, however, doesn’t mean that you should. Opportunities are great -- unless they are not. Give yourself permission to look beyond what you’re capable of, knowing that your decisions will be more powerful as a result.