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Losing Focus? Here’s How to Get It Back



We all know the importance of having focus and maintaining it. The intellectual wisdom of focus cannot be denied. That being said, everyone I know, myself included, loses focus from time to time.  

It’s not fun.
It’s not pretty.
It’s not easy to deal with.  

When you lose your focus, not only do you get off track, you quite literally lose sight of whatever it is you’re headed toward. You lose your ability to see what matters. And in the ensuing fog that arises, tasks become harder than necessary. 

Here’s the thing: there are two contributors to losing focus: a lack of commitment, and distraction. These two culprits go hand-in-hand. When you’re insufficiently committed to an idea or plan, it’s easy to get distracted.  

Distractions can take all sorts of forms: the needs of others; your own needs; noise; action; movement; animals (think, “squirrel!!”); menial tasks; books – the list goes on and on.  

Knowing that these two things are ultimately what have you lose focus, the question now becomes, “What do you do about it?” How do you ensure that you get your focus back? 

Having been through the experience myself, here’s a process that I’ve found helpful and effective: 

  1. Take a deep breath or two. Seriously. This serves to bring you back to the present moment, to the task at hand.

  2. Close your eyes. Again, trust me. Closing your eyes is a way to minimize distraction. It serves to shut out the world around you, to connect yourself with yourself.

  3. Now, ask yourself: what it is about this task that matters to you? Why did you take on this endeavour in the first place?

  4. Take a moment to recommit. In other words, ask yourself if this task STILL matters.

    • If it doesn’t LET IT GO – it’s not worth your time.

    • If it does, construct a framework in which you’ll work. Set the timer, close the door, whatever it takes to confine yourself for a specific stretch of time, for the task at hand.

  5. Acknowledge yourself for whatever progress you’ve made.

  6. Repeat.

Bottom-line: losing focus happens to everyone at some point. Regaining focus isn’t as challenging as you might think. The root of the matter lies in increasing commitment and decreasing distractions. Become aware of these two elements, and you’re well on your way to increasing your ability to maintain focus.