
The Blog

No Matter the Question, the Answer is Love.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you! 

I’ve never been 100% sure if Valentine’s Day is something celebrated worldwide. Turns out it is. While it’s not an official holiday anywhere as far as I can tell, it is recognized as a day on which to celebrate love. These days I feel like we could all use a little more of that.

As we enter our 3rd year of this thing called Covid, spirits are weary. Folks are frustrated. Policies feel disjointed and inconsistent at best. Tensions are running high between individuals, groups, nations. And there are so many questions, the biggest of which seem to be:

What should we do?

When will this end?

How can things get better?

(And if not these questions exactly, then certainly variations on the theme).

No matter the question of the moment, answers are elusive. It’s like we’re all walking around with a sense of being perplexed, confused, and disconnected. So many of us feel like our hands are tied and there seems to be very little we can do, no matter the challenge at hand. 

I see this with clients.

I see it with friends and family.

I see it in me. 

Recently, I’ve been reminded that the answer may not be as complicated or as elusive as we think. The bedrock for every answer is right in front of us. 

The answer is LOVE.

I know, it sounds hokey. Very Pollyanna-ish. Bordering on toxic positivity (which is something I’m learning to avoid like the plague – or like covid, if we want a historically-relevant analogy). 

But seeing love as the answer to any question makes more sense than you might realize. Because I’m not talking about rom-com love. I’m not talking about fairy tale love. I’m not asking you to engage in inappropriate gestures in the workplace (or anywhere else). I’m talking about the energy that you and I can access from real, down-to-earth, no-nonsense love. 

Love that allows you to draw and maintain a strong boundary.

Love that allows you to be considerate of those around you.

Love that allows you to really listen to others.

Love that allows you to recognize and honour your own needs.

Love that keeps you connected to self and other.

Love that keeps you grounded.

You see, love is not about physical trappings like flowers and chocolates. Love is not about grand gestures or proclamations. Instead, love is an energy which you can use to ground yourself, temper your actions, and inform your relationships with everyone around you. 

A couple of things to note: 

Love is not always easy. 

Love doesn’t always feel warm and fuzzy.

Love is not about tolerating what is intolerable.

When you choose to act from love, however, eventually the world aligns.

So, whatever challenge you are currently facing, before you act, get connected with the energy of love. Slow down for a moment, and ask your question again. From that loving space, find the answer to your question. And then implement the answer, trusting that grounded love will not steer you wrong.

Gail Barker